Listen to mother, she shows you the ways to inner peace and contentment, she plays her music of love among the highest beauty that surrounds your being of understanding and knowledge.
She completes your longest days with sounds of sweet music of peace and deep reality of what sounds of peace feels like way down inside your soul.
Listen to your heart beat softly with the rain that falls with wisdom upon your light of perfect peace, your pleasant aroma flowing to the surface unpaved and filled with light and redemption.
Listen to the wind blow through the trees of truth, you'll blow in tone with her teaching of beauty and silence of mind and continued growing through connected cords of music and soft sparkles shinning your way among the darkness toward where you have been searching for all your life.
Mother will guide you safely through your deepest task of uncertainty, she will stand by you if you open your mind and collect her softness to your breast of wisdom and peace.