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Oct 2012
Behind this smile lies confusion and pain.
Weary and tired,
I'm not sure how much more I can sustain.
Heart heavy
Knees weak
the future I pursue begins to seem bleak.
Traveling through time
wondering aimless and cold.
Missing all the beauty on the journey
for my judgement is so distorted
beauty is not something my heart is ready to behold.
Words cannot explain the hurt in my eyes,
so look within, let our souls intertwine.
I will take you on a ride
it's a sight to behold
the visions you see
may be to much, the hand you were dealt, you may want to fold.
the pain you will feel
will become so intense
you may not be able to cope,
screaming and pleading for the ride to be over and to exit as you may
But you have forgotten you are walking in my life
things cannot go your way
the ride is not yet over, for it has only just begun.
I know what you're thinking
Such desperate measure, what more can you do?
The sound of the clock echos
as deaths slowly creeping
drip drop bloods quickly seeping.
all of a sudden darkness fills my eyes
never again will my soul arise.
Unfortunately this is all to simple to put to an end.
Giving up and quitting are words
and actions that my mind does not comprehend.
So I will continue to coast
walking along as a lost soul
Venting the pain is the only way to control.
control and maintain the war within,
that continues to try to destroy my spirit's light.
I will not give up without a fight.
With tears in my eyes
or at least that's how it feels.
having faith that in time I will heal.
I'm screaming from within, but you will never know
my heart is guarded by a wall that's taken me a lifetime to build and grow.
it's guarded by wolves half filled with love and the other with hate.
only someone with equal balance holds the key to my chambers gate.
Copyright 2012 Rachel Fairbanks
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