today I woke up crying today I went to the gym and I forgot why I ever stopped going today I told my friend I loved them and that we all have doubts, it's human today I ate my feelings through another salad and I told myself that it's okay, this is okay today I walked around the lake and thought about how long it'd take to drown today I will apologize to my old best friend I told them I wasn't good to them back then today I told my therapist I'm spiraling, and he said it was okay He said we are all struggling. Just trying to figure it out because no one's got it figured out today I was excited to keep learning today I was not And I told myself that it was okay today I couldn't get of bed because I felt nothing towards school But I did get up eventually but today I saw myself as someone capable of doing so much better and today I woke up with purpose and forgot why I ever stopped believing.