My enemies are perished. At least that is what I like to tell myself. I look around And where I am at I see no one there. Just images I revere. Because my idols sit on the altar. I prefer the term role models. But the righteous pointing fingers say it is an idol. I protest that I put them there myself. This is the idol of every ism that man lifted up holy hands to worship. So that must mean my enemies are gone forever? They must be gone, forever. Otherwise there is no ism I was calling on before that can save me. Because if they are not hiding, that means I should be. I would need more than an ism. I would need more than an idol on an altar. I would need HIM. I should call on the name of Jesus Christ. But in reverence, not as an expletive. So that I would not need an idol. And I can sit in the presence of my enemies.