Afraid and Anxious of Being something I'm not Conscious about everything Dying to be Everything I want but wheres the Fun in that. Go out and Have fun. Its strange how I changed. Jeers where the sound track of my life. Knowing that many have been cheering Lamenting of the days I should have fought. Mountains where not made to Nor overcome. That what I thought I have this OBSESSION of Painting my way by asking allot of Questions that I shouldn't have ask. Race that I shouldn't have joined cause I'm Sedentary. I'm afraid to move. Timid and Nervous. Fear is Ubiquitous for everyone, but its Victory over me is for sure. but Wait its not the end because I'm the stranger of Xenization, forever travelling alone Yearning to be with somebody. This is the end and the start Zero, yes I started with an A&Z is the end cause I always feel WORTHLESS.