Please Can you hear me? Nausea Dizziness Vommiting Pain Uncontrollable weeping Episodes of sub-psychotic rage Sometimes she just Walks around Pacing helplessly. It's like every Single Night She's dying More than she is. Laughing Screeching After Crying. But worst of all Is the way she screams. The doctors They all say She'll be alright. Her therapist Told me it's 'just a phase.' They haven't heard What I've heard...
Amnesia? Something like that ---I hope---
Every night She forgets. She forgets who she is. Her personality. How beautifully she sings. Even her name... How to pronounce it sometimes. Even how to Speak english Even if I talk to her.
Some nights She screams so loudly... It isn't hard to doubt That She Might Even Forget That She's Human.
Or maybe how To be human.
But there Is one thing She doesn't forget Night by night----
'How could I forget?' She whispered, Sometimes she's scream
'Countless cuts' She tells me. So deep They start To become Their own Lips...
And The Lips Start Whispering Unspeakable darkness---
Of course I could never Understand her.
She tells me The only thing Colder than 'his' knives Was 'his' voice.
Or at least I believe It is a 'he'
There were Some names She did manage To recall
Hades Death Satan Asmodeus Lucifer Reaper Devil
I Don't Know What She Means
It's being harder And harder To talk to her At night
I disposed of all the knives And sharp objects In the house already And I'm still afraid
The doctors and therapists They can all pretend Like nothing is wrong
But please... Her screams are getting louder every night.