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Oct 2012
Afu Ra Ka
Which reminds me
I'm just another Red Letter
Muslim Jew Adieu as Zen Master
says in the Tao of Hindu's Krishna as
Buddha's Bodhisattva's Love in the Great
Middle Way of Mother's Forever Embracing
Zarathustra a son's spiritual fostering to heirs as
Abraham of Love in Folly and Light All of Daughters
and All Sons Sown sowing in and out of forgiveness reap
Satyam Shivam Sundram Love Truly as Kindness in Action
as Beauty Be of Great Spirits's Ka- Alling Afu Ra's Childeren All
Must Be One Great Womb Where Our Love's Light Spirit Breathes
Within as without, above and below every rainbow I Am Another You
1. From; In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart;
"In Mayan tradition, there is a greeting that many people working with Mayan wisdom know of. It is the law of In Lak'ech Ala K'in, which means I am another yourself (A modern day interpretation). It also means I am you, and you are me (A traditional Mayan interpretation). We have come to understand that this Mayan greeting is an honoring for each other. It is a statement of unity and oneness. In Lak'ech Ala K'in mirrors the same sediment of other beautiful greetings such as Namaste for East India, Wiracocha for the Inca, and Mitakuye Oyasin for the Lakota. It doesn't matter which culture you come from. But when one of these sacred greetings is given, there is always an action of placing the hands over the heart."-

2. "Afu-Ra-Ka is one of the earliest known names of Africa. It was used particularly by the Khemtnu as an expression of devotion to Their Ancestors and Spiritual Powers, or Netjeru."

"The Afu-Ra-Kans, (Africans), formed this society and government, many years before 4500 B.C. This society was a true democracy, with representative government. This government was truly of, by and for the people."-

"The Kemetic religion embodies a system of spiritual cultivation, the oldest in the world. The next closest tradition in terms of age would be Vedic tradition of India, which based on the Rig Veda, could be traced back to about 1500 BCE, and even the Vedic tradition would appear also to owe some of its spiritual science to Kemet. The earliest written parts of the Bible would have been written 1000 BCE, based on a tradition dating back to Abraham, who would have lived one thousand years earlier, in about 2000 BCE. Moses lived about 1300 BCE. Chinese Taoist philosophy dates back only to about 500 BCE, as does Confucianism."-

"Ra and Rait take on the titles Afu Ra and Afu Rait. This is why the first landmass is called the Ka of Afu Ra, the land of the Creator and the Kait of Afu Rait, the land of the Creatress.
The Ka of Afu Ra is Afuraka. The Kait of Afu Rait is Afuraitkait. Afuraka/Afuraitkait is the Divine Land."

"Afu denotes "house" or "dwelling place". Ra is the name given to one of most important Netjeru to the Khemtnu. In the physical sense, Ra is associated with the light or life-giving aspect of the daytime Sun. However, the spiritual importance of Ra maintains that He is the first Light or entity to arise from the "Absolute Beginning of Creation". The "Light of Ra" represents the en(Light)enment that brings forth all clarity of Consciousness and Understanding to the Human Mind. Ka is interpreted as the "spirit", or moving force behind the living. It is sometimes referred to as the "double" of the mortal body, containing the reflective qualities of One's personality and the cause behind One's subconscious movement. To the Khemtnu, the mortal body was an extension of the Ka, and, therefore, all of One's physical actions were directed by the Ka. When combined, the interpretation of Afu-Ra-Ka, in essence, means "House of the Spirit of Ra" or "The Dwelling-place of the Spirit of Light", denoting that--in the physical sense--Khemt was the place where the Light of The Sun gave life. However, remaining Conscious of the importance of Duality to the Khemtnu, the spiritual connotation of Afu-Ra-Ka suggest the following:

Afu-Ra-Kan--within each Man dwells the en(Light)ened Consciousness that moves him.
Afu-Rai-Kait--within each Woman dwells the en(Light)ened Consciousness that moves her.
Afu-Ra-Kanu--within All Men dwells the en(Light)ened Consciousness that moves them.
Afu-Rait-Kaitnut--within All Women dwells the en(Light)ened Consciouness that moves them.
Therefore, to the Khemtnu, the term Afu-Ra-Ka was a major expression of Their connection and direct relation to the Netjeru. Not only did They view the surrounding world as "The Creation", but They lived by the Wisdom that They Themselves were also "The Creation". This concept was later borrowed by Hermeticists, who state the phrase "As above, so below. As below, so above"[1]; it has also been constituted in the "holy bible", specifically 1Corinithians 3:16 (Know ye not that you are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of the Lord dwelleth in you?)."

3. SATYAM SHIVAM SUNDARAM -(simply paraphrased as) 'Truth, Love and Beauty'

4. Origin of ADIEU-(As I prefer to use here...)
Middle English, from Anglo-French a deu, a dieu, literally, to God
First Known Use: 14th century

5. (pics) Golden Rule Poster;
Follow the Golden Rule; (click click!!!)
Sa Sa Ra
Written by
Sa Sa Ra
   K Mae, victoria, DieingEmbers, ---, --- and 1 other
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