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Apr 2018
We have made an immense mess of things,
So tomorrow has been cancelled for all.
That means no more of anything,
No more of anything at all.

No more forests to quietly deforestate,
No more oceans to blindly pollute,
No more wildlife to wildly devastate,
No more fellow humans of inconvenient destitute,
No more producing at unsustainable mass,
No more businessmen or master plan,
No more trash and toxic gass,
No more greedy ignorant man.

Though there is hope for the hopeful yet, that tomorrow maybe reinstated.
But for that to be true, it would take me and you, and a world of the educated.

I am Jimmy.
JD Leishman
Written by
JD Leishman  28/M/Melbourne, Australia
(28/M/Melbourne, Australia)   
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