Nine wheel karma controller Compact sleeveless button case Oil deltoid combo Metal magnet scrunchie spray Bootleg leaf fret Wick hunger limit Tedious lantern bucket Psychokinetic apple bubble Intergalactic time space fraction Anything immortal lost Sleepless anxious toss Divine magic water bodies Healing wild birds Extraterrestrial swimming fish Fleeting nighttime children Delightful new age beauty Deep elemental menstrual cycles Strong sight protection Given soul story lessons Clear Global God Request practiced peace Garden random physical reason Humorous overwhelmed solution Earth discovered on turtle Used miraculous fact Command locked paradise Key kept love thirsty Closely counsel deceased Master Reaching for things not seen Endless chaotic writing paper Creating cool frog bog Washed pilot sitting clean Reaching things unseen Wonder what all this means Reaching unseen things Feeling presence of other beings Reaching for things unseen Sleep walking in a dream Reaching things unseen Piecing together chaotic strings Reaching unseen things Hearing angels sing While reaching for things not seen.
This was an exercise in creative writing. I picked Allot of random words then pieced them together into this tasty little gem. Towards the end I took it over with my own words but it was still fun and a good form of practice.