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Bob B
Apr 2018
The Tale of an Operator
This is the tale of an EPA
Administrator who
Has no shame at all about taking
Advantage of me and you.
We've seen him roll back fifty years
Of environmental protections;
That's bad for us but good for all of his
Oil and gas connections.
A costly, inflated security team
To fly with him overseas
24/7? That ought to make
Taxpayers ill at ease.
For him first class is a must when he flies;
To hell with flying coach.
He feels his team deserves the same
And thinks he's beyond reproach.
Better yet, he would prefer
Military jets.
So what if it costs us even more money;
He has no regrets.
When staff members question his spending
And wonder if it's required,
They will find themselves demoted,
Reassigned, or fired.
Receiving monetary favors
From lobbyists isn't proper.
He wants a bullet-proof SUV;
But here's the real showstopper:
Security staff admit that when he--
In order to catch his flights
Or go to dinner--will ask them to use
Their sirens and flashing lights!
A recent trip took him and his team
To Morocco, but alas,
Believe it or not, the reason was
To promote natural gas!
His attitude toward tax-payer
Dollars is cavalier;
But when it comes to helping the poor,
He is more austere.
So this is how Trump drains the swamp!
A funny way to do it.
But maybe he fits right in with the rest:
That's our man Scott Pruitt!
-by Bob B (4-6-18)
Written by
Bob B
Angel-like rain castle
Terry Jordan
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