Warm milk and cold stares are all that are left lingering there, truth laced with lies begging to belong somewhere.
Copper taste with an unforgiving, unmovable face.
The “I love you’s” could be measured in between the passing of each new blue moon.
One last hug, where the stubble on your chin leaves more than just a physical itch -
I close my eyes and all my avenues that remind me to bleed for you.
Steady rhythm to keep from pacing, passing the time by counting the spacing when I stopped caring for you.
We are spear versus shield, holding our breath and bracing for impact, you are white wine, unrefined, used to soak every color of crayon in a knapsack.
A fire slowly dying, candle burning, branding nameless names, love is self regulating, as the passing of each flame reaches purgatory.
Hold my hand close to your heart as I listen to you tear me apart,
It’s hard to chalk it all up to hate, harder still to sit back and blame “fate.”
Take a moment, reconsider, exact revenge on us by pulling the trigger, “Be kind. Be humble. Be the parent even when little try to be bigger.”
I’ll avoid any claim of you, sitting atop an empty throne, I’d rather surround myself with people who care than have you pretend to care when I’m all alone.
Fresh off the presses today. Made a decision to never speak to my father again. This is the result of that.