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Apr 2018
Farewell good day,
Into thy cold night I must go.
Though my heart aches for thee to stay,
My worlds end is all but at embers glow.

Good day! You leave me with such haste,
Why leave me at all?
Perhaps thou can stay and waste,
A little more time, and make mine the exception to thine rule.

Oh good day, I have only celebrated thy beauty on 15 occasions.
I am yet to know Love! Or lovers Temptations.

Forgive me good day, I do not mean to despair.
I shall trust in thy eternity, my short life I surrender to thy care.

Thank you good day, ‘twas good indeed.
Good night to thee good day,
Thou now sleep and unto thee my soul is freed.

The good day can be all too short for the young,
The cruel night cometh too early for some.

I am Jimmy.
JD Leishman
Written by
JD Leishman  28/M/Melbourne, Australia
(28/M/Melbourne, Australia)   
   n stiles carmona
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