They gathered in the upper room; they locked and barred the door. They were fearful of their fellow Jews; afraid of Roman law. Like sheep who’d seen their Sheppard killed and torn apart, Their confidence was at low ebb and they were faint of heart.
They were startled when they heard the sound of knocking at the door. Had Judas sold them also? Did his treachery demand yet more? Then they heard the Magdalene’s voice its music heartened them. She proclaimed excitedly that death is not the end.
At first they did not believe her; who can blame them for their doubt? They had seen loved ones entombed and none to date walk out. The Magdalene bore witness; Yoshua’s mother did the same. Something had happened at the tomb both wonderful and strange.
John and Peter were deputized to go and see the tomb. The other nine stayed hidden, waiting in the upper room. John, the younger, ran ahead; he arrived then paused, For Peter to arrive; For both to see what Mary saw.
The Roman guards had fled the scene. The Stone had been rolled away. They who grieved saw and believed on Resurrection day.