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Apr 2018
"I know what you're thinking,"
She said with a grin,
"Not every story has
A happy ending."

"Once upon a time
Two children traveled
Apart at first,
Then a story unraveled.

He went by car
As gypsies often do.
State by state
Not knowing where to.

She traveled not as often,
Every few years.
Fate kept them apart
And yet some how near.

Destiny would have it,
They would finally land;
In the same place
But with a very bad plan.

They met in a courtyard
Decaying but sweet;
Here is where kids
Became lovers to meet.

Fate played tricks
That made them fall away;
And some years passed
Before they saw another day.

And life went on
That sad "come & go"
To repeat together and apart
But she didn't know.

She couldn't see the future,
But she can see the past.
They never had something
That was meant to last.

They had a marriage,
A daughter, a son,
But he was no husband or father,
Just a gypsy boy on the run.

Off into the wind,
He came as he pleased,
Sometimes with lies of love;
Fate always teased.

Destiny frowned with
A heart of despair,
Further away they drifted
Yet always so near.

They didn't rekindle,
The children did grow
Without a father
To love or to know.

Three hearts went on
And found love of their own
Because Mom made the broken house
And loving, happy home."

"That's how it ends.
I warned you," she smiled.
"Real happy endings
Only come once and a while."
* Hello, Hello Poetry readers.
After seeing my poem trending I'd like to add some explanations to this.

- two children traveled -
As children, my now soon to be ex husband and I both moved a lot. We didn't know each other of course. But our families always seemed to move around the same time to the same states. From our parents growing up up North and moving as south as Florida; only return to our child hood homes of Maryland where we met. *note, I do find it fascinating he really is of gypsy descent.

- I think our story is destined. The back story of two children is too complicated and personal for this page. But after knowing him 14 years and 6 years of nothing but a tragedy of a marriage; fate has plans that do not hold happiness with him. He comes in and goes as he's pleased over the years.

The best possible note;
No matter how hard the separation has been on the children and I, we always find a way to go on. Finally we've found happiness in our broken family. And maybe, just maybe, he really isn't coming back.
Raja Smith
Written by
Raja Smith  Maryland
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