Broken we sit and dream alone in a world that won’t stop turning tragic tales into melancholy doses of strange beauty and the winds only whisper of love to the lost that have never known the way or comfort of home
and the road is deserted of everything but heartache and dim scattered moon shadows and somewhere in the dark corners of hidden forests creatures lurk with false promises and bad breath pointing out suspicious short cuts to happiness with the path littered with the bones of dead innocence maybe some of our own maybe some of the ones we left behind on the way to adult maturity and shame
as if believing in ourselves so little wasn’t enough of a burden we had to make a list of the what not to do’s when it comes to finding pleasure
this is ok
that is most definitely not
and if it feels good you better not do it because it feels good only do it because that is the way it is suppose to be and if it isn’t you’ve been warned that someone or something or some sick and perverted god is watching and judging and jerking in horror at all our sinful acts and the list has been checked and the video watched twice
and it’s all the same over and over again pawns without a board or a square pretending to be kings that love queens and queens that love fools and fools that love themselves with fists grasped in self gratification building castles that crumble as we sit alone in broken dreams