Spring rain Drops, And drips, And drizzles, Over vibrant flower petals As moonlight filters through Thick clouds to illuminate Your eccentric hues. And when the sunrise dawns And reveals the morning dew, I'll breath in deep the lovely scent, Left behind by the enactment of passion, petrichor that tingles my mind And fills me with both satiation, And yearning for
Spring rain that Drops, Drips, And abundantly pours Energy That meets between The storms of our souls As we float beneath the sheets Intwined with eachother Akin Colors that are Dripping Dropping blending on a palatte Until the brush is released To paint the artwork On a new canvas And the pen is unleashed To engrave the timeless words That dye and permeat you with Permenant ink.
Just like that I want to Bring your love to me, Make love to me With the rejuvunating energy of spring.