Isn't it compelling how poems can affect us so emotionally? I mean sure a picture says more than a thousand words but watching television only tells us a certain vision. On the other hand contracting letters must always be spelled right or else there's nothing left to make sense. I refuse to sign a contract to make cents, although I wouldn't cross swords if the oppertunity presents itself. Maybe I am contradicting myself but crossing words is just a hobby to me, for now atleast. I do believe that spelling is like magic spells. We fuse words like a magnet, they either connect to our feelings or repell eachother. It's confusing sometimes when I get inspired beacasue I'm in spired to cast spells, yet I can only spell what I've been remotely controlled by the remotecontroll to my limited visions. I am afraid living. Have I Lived or have I liveD in reverse and learned to embrace the Devil?