The man from Pakistan. Not much of my language did he speak. He couldn't understand my proper English. So how could we my sanity seek. Yes he was my shrink. My misfortune for several years. So we never made much progress. Dealing with my silly fears. I wished that he would help me. So I tried to coerce him as best as I could. All of this choosing my words, did me absolutely no good. I said I was felling spacey from the pills he had given me. He said you think you are an alien, that is plain to see. So he threatened me with institutionalization or hospital. The big house to be sure. Luckily, I convinced him, right here as I lay on his couch, with him, we could find a cure. As he picked up on his English. My progress became quite quick. The silly man thought it his miracle that I was not so sick. He got a better offer, from a clinic far away. He left without a good-bye. I wonder if he appreciated the English lessons I wonder to this day.