I settle in & watch cars pass my house for three straight hours. it’s the summer, I’ve lost the battle with my mind today. and I remember, That’s it. That’s all it is. Just a battle, I have a whole war to fight.
i settle in tomorrow, smile at myself in the mirror, feel the feeling of absurdity and acceptance- Well, it never stays too well. I lose the battle once again.
when the night sets in & im all alone To my thoughts waging on I’ll be exhausted in the morning and throughout the day maybe i can lay my head down somewhere That’s not my car. but now my car is stuck in the road for three straight hours. It’s a lump of plastic and metal, But I feel myself losing against the chemicals in my brain with odds fighting me.
in less than a week, A home finds me. My weary soul finds a place to go. I find structure in modern soulmates- Maybe I’ll be less hopeless. I’ll settle in & forget about the past 6 months. & I’ll win many more battles.