got my hands in my pockets my chin in the air my feet on the ground im on a mission a dare
got my hands in my pockets my chin in the air got my eyes fixed foreword like there's nothing their
nothing but my path my goals my ends my faults my treasure my money my friends my sweet jar of honey my strength my heart my strive to be a part of something big a part of something real a part of something special something that will make me feel
righteous and free in the air where nothing can touch me where no one can bring me down
i got my hands out of my pockets my head held high my feet steppin up and im wavin bye
bye to my world o fear bye to my world of pain bye to my world of dead ends bye to my world of never ending rain
bye to the darkness in the corner bye to the darkness under the sheets bye to the filling my head bye to the holding my feet
bye to the hateful swing that misses every time trying to hit me trying to pound me trying to deal great pain
i am above you now im standin tall nothing can hold me back nothing at all