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Sep 2012
On hatred.
Don't let it eat you up that you lose purpose.
Before hatred ever control your emotions.
You knew love.

For ever mean streak that you wants to act on.
Realize with any action done.
You end up losing your soul.

We are who we are.
And that enough problems there.
Don't hate a race of another.
Simply because they don't mirror your own.

Don't let an evil mind dictate to you.
While they hiding and advising you on things to do.

Hatred carries a power srength.
But only to a point.
Cause while you doing it
Love is moving you.

Many, who has shown it.
Really have show regrets.
Cause while they was caught up in it.
God will judge you yet.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
   Kasandra Curtis
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