Did you know every house needs a. Mouse ? One day a fine lady with mousy hair and dressed in white , With little pink shoes , and pritty pink gloves , knocked on my door , " Would you care for a mouse for you'r beautiful house " ? with a grin and a smile and a sniff of the air . " For all the mice will run away when they see this one in marble and clay " How sweet thought I " For two shillings " said I to keep every mouse from field and door won't bother me no more " . as she left a wild flurry of sleet was cast. , who would scamper away to the field and the grass , a cold wind blew . An orange the pritty girls sold not for a penny . To pest houses for the dying a watchman for many , a mother held her child for pestelance did wake .
And every mouse that scampered up drain pipes from rivers and streams , from underneath old floor boards and along barns and beams . For miles and miles like a pied piper they ran , to see the mouseΒ above fire place lifted on high . Riding high and mighty this pale horse rode , to no houses with a mouse did he find his abode . Only one day that mouse of clay did dust bin did lay , to every mouses. deep dismay , the oranges from pritty girls no one would buy , the sweet smell of flowers as death walked by . The mouse lady knocked on yet another door " you need a mouse for your beautiful house " ?