I was afraid time had taken me Farther then allowed, I would Be trapped in this hellish dream Forever Unable to call for help because Only I am here , all on my own Caged and trapped with only my Thoughts to hold in my sanity I Was Scared to reach out my hand and Feel the damp stony walls, I was Scared of the deafening silence That had swallowed me, it was Too overwhelming it had been Too Quite, almost as if I was being Drown in noise, filling my lungs Pushing against my heart, and Blocking my throat, chocking on It, there was the slight sigh in The breeze of the air, where the Long Pause broke through my body, I was disintegrating slowly Stuck here forever alone, no One there with me, just the Killing silence, my thoughts and dreams
This one is kind of confusing, but I had dreamt I was in a stone wall room alone and it had been so quite it was loud, and I kept thinking that I would be stuck there forever with just my thoughts