I wanted to hurt her Well, I wanted to make her feel what she had done to me ****** something precious of hers, as she had done me Something small and insignificant So that when she publicized her pain, no one would care They’d say, it was just a trinket, not like it was valuable But, oh, something worth so much to her and only her Something that would make her understand just what she had stolen from me Something that would give me a petty sense of victory, of evenness I wanted what had gone around to come around, So as she had sent pain to me, I thus sent pain to her.
I wanted to study her See what was it about her that he desired If not for brains, beauty, or heart Then why did he hurt me for the sake of her? I wanted to figure out why she was better than me in the eyes of so many So I fixated on it without even trying and I learned more about her And I think I understand now why he wanted to hurt me, for her sake; I now know why I wasn’t good enough, why she was better than I was.