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Feb 2018
One used to smoke and cried at least once or twice a month during our *******...
One used to write sticky notes on the fridge for me to find later on in the day...
One had a musk to her, snored when she slept on her side and sometimes asked for gas money...
One snorted if something made her laugh and asked if I could bring an orange soda home for her...
One hated having her feet touched...ever
One talked in her Spanish
One loved everything turtles and only came once in the 100 times we did it...
One is rotting in a grave across town...having been gone now for 17 years...
One always interrupted my shower by thinking all men love it when you interrupt their shower, then turning the water to scalding...
One...I didn’t know her name and she didn’t know mine, but when I headed to the door to leave for my cab, she said ‘wait...I’ll get a pen, give me your name and number’ I told her I’d wait, she went into the kitchen and I left before she came back...
One...just wanted to be held. I held her for 4 months
One...had my name tattooed on her side. I told her I loved her, even though I didn’t...
One...I’ve never met but I dream of her constantly
Over time
The Bodies
Begin to pile up
Eric the Red
Written by
Eric the Red  40/M/Southwest
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