a single drop escapes and shapes the one reforms into the many forces merge and maintain the center as an ocean to a clear running stream effortless delicate movements the beautiful semblance of creation only free when infinity extends an open hand we gracefully bend submitting to the wind ever escalating the highest life and limb gales roll in and away drifting wide and floating astray iridescence is indescribable yet defines the sky as she decides a color her choice always a brilliant contrasting horizon grandiloquent patterns push to lavish design extending to no less than the highest point contours of jewels and soft silky edges expand in the flourishing demand moving on in an elaborate showdown illumination has changed direction mist is abundantly clear looting and diverting a moon’s glow enhancing the sky’s light with spectrum’s of sight diamonds in the sky these silhouettes fall into a slow embrace obscurity celebrates movement with this final chance in a dance abstract is an overachiever here endlessly molding a new shape a familiar sight replaces the mirage swarming the moonlight to be still to see the secret inside a shimmer the very heart of all things where a reminiscent choral sound rhapsodies pure aesthetic calls you to a sublime slumber magnificent claims this place of illusion a majestic showing of dreams and nightmares more is all we need patiently we await the kiss from bliss her touch behind the eyes opens up the skies for an Ethereality