She read somewhere that Hell was not made of fire, but with ice. She believed it, her knuckles bruised and the endless waiting. Hell was sitting forever behind a computer screen for a connection, chained to her habits, there was so many things she wished she could change. she was worried people might see her the way she saw herself.
And she thought it'd be nice if there was a fire. Something that burns you from the inside and shines brighter than a star. A flame that attracts other people out of their own darkness. Bonfire moments. She would go on a small quest and discover the secret flame, the fire of the Colossus heart, and bring it to a bonfire and rest. In this frozen Hell of waiting for one person to say hello over the internet highway, and not condemn you, but genuinly wish you were not just pixels and a video chat, but something more human. a dancing flame, a fire princess with firey hips, she can't be seen through the wire, but you could feel the heat. She asked him how he had been, not realizing his cold reply meant he had not moved on and sometimes he still read their old messages.