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Feb 2018
If you give a Poet a cookie...
He’s gonna want a cup of coffee
And not just any coffee
But the good stuff on the high shelf
And if you give the Poet the Kenyan Organic Whole Bean
Reserved for your best company
He’s gonna want creamer
The good Whole Foods
$5.69 creamer
And if you give the Poet the
Expensive creamer he’s gonna
Want to sit down and talk
Of great books
Great music
And he’ll notice you’ve got
A record player
And if you have a record player
The Poet’s gonna wanna go
Through your collection
Your Fleetwood Mac
John Coltrane
Tom Petty
Nina Simone
And the Poet will put his coffee down
And look at the back of that
Nina record
And tell you that
‘This song...this song
‘Reminds me so much of what
‘Love sounds like...’
And you’ll look at the Poet
Cause he just touched
Your heart
Made it skip a beat
And you’ll think to yourself
‘I just might invite that Poet over again tomorrow...’
But if you do
That Poet is gonna want a cookie
If you give a Poet a cookie...
Eric the Red
Written by
Eric the Red  40/M/Southwest
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