I. don’t. don’t cross out yourself. is what he’ll say if the stars actually aligned and the corridors emptied like magic,
he dreamt of a place where fairies weren’t female or prancing like he did in his hard hat a steel wall from words better left unsaid
II. skin. upon skin upon skin upon fragrant how’s and wow’s. he never cared much until a glance, a look, a stare for far too long, slow burn in his heart while his cheeks red handed from a look in return.
a wink? a glare? anything at all? the other he stares at the soul who dares not to reveal to unconceal a tender yearning of minds too raw to compute the facts, but also, the shared values.
III. deft. that’s what it’s called, in the dark and in the calm. vigourously, scrunched up in a kaleidoscope of dreams, lapping it up sooner than he almoste̶d̶ wanted. blame the other he, his “other he”.
Time passes. Fact or fiction, question or conviction? No one locks his heart away, not his hands, not his arms, and not even his mind.
His mouth does all the talking, keeping mum on what the heart dares to but siding with dad when time takes its bow.
Can I say something? Forget him. Or her and him. As light comes to truth tells, what do I own, if not these takes on a single story or married multiverse
or divorced demise? Stars tell no lies At least in La La Land. If one could only dream that I had never deftly —
VI. fullness, clearing of the breeze the gentle clutter of nothingness done right by the slate. no one has depleted no cell has raised its hand if only equilibrium was truly consistent don’t we all