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Feb 2018
For so long, she's tried to
dance among the stars.
She climbed up so many times,
but she just couldn't stay at the top.
"Maybe you should give up" they'd say,
"don't try so hard if you're just
going to fail" they'd mock.

But she paid no attention to it.
She. Kept. Pushing.

One day, she made it to the stars.
She tried to hard, and finally, she did it.

But then they said that they helped her.
Encouraged her, even.

But she paid no attention.
She made it on her own.

She vowed then, that she'd never let anyone
dance among the stars with her, when
she fought so hard, by herself,
just to get there.
Written by
your mom  Neither/United States
(Neither/United States)   
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