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Feb 2018
If love had a meter
And inputs were measured,
As a partner or a lover
Would you be surpassed?

Would you allow yourself to be cheated
In order for the love to thrive
orΒ Β even out-communicated
Just to make sure the love survive?

If love had a meter
Would you allow lesser time
And seek to do even better
Just to make sure things were fine?

If love was timed and monitored
Would you willingly agree
For your love meter to be decommissioned
So our love can blossom and be free?

If our movements were restricted
Would you allow me to run freely,
In no form or shape be intimidated
Just to prove you love me dearly?

If love depended upon equal inputs
Would you be so caring and selfless
To disregard the unwashed dishes and pots,
My relaxed demeanors or care that I do less?

Love meter will not last a day.
Ivan Brooks Sr
Written by
Ivan Brooks Sr  50/M/Norway
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