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Feb 2018
it's beautiful to feel:
  but it's intolerable to think...
and if that doesn't
conjure laughter...
  i don't know what will.
     since an "inherent" moral
          as if we were all told to
write a fairy tale...
  and not a moral: conundrum...
tragedy does indeed knock
at the pauper's door
when it comes to crafting
a collectivism: worth
of man.
   i have loved...
  and the only love i have
learned is what exists as
exprienced: subsequently fleeting...
never an arranged "there",
      in that a "there" is
equivalent of
   concreteness of being...
without a "here" apparent
   in there being a "there"
to manifest a sum per se!
quack phrase for impetus
   / momentum?!
   - what became the german notion
of da was already apparent
in english, via the articles of:
  a and the... direct articulation
of an indirect space -
   versus the indirect articulation of
a direct space...
      - love is a failure to
make habitual ridicule for
having mannerisms
being: a making of an excuse...
no... love isn't that...
it's the only once that is
the one instance to not desire
      then again:
                    it's hardly that...
it's beautiful to feel:
  but it's intolerable to think...
   how much more worthwhile
to have a noble emotion
than a truthful thought?
        to me there is no:
                cogitans verum...
    there is no "truth" & a "thinking" -
the eden, the apple, the fall...
    the end!
            that month of being
loved up really helped me in becoming
a cold-hearted *******.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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