My local pharmacy was exceptionally busy today Worriedly,I scan the pharmacy line For any signs of people; coughing, sick, in any way
I don’t have a mask I’m not protected My mind is freaking me out after all those people came For medication of one kind or another
People are dying Have they been around Someone with the flu Nursing them, contagious
Nervously I wait. They call my name No information,silently The pharmacist grabs an arm, sticks the needle in my arm gives me the shot Pushes the medicine in Hands me a paper Consequently Telling me , as he walks away “It takes ten days before Your protected” I sit there swimming with questions He is gone
As I walk from the store Several sensations occur immediately My arm hurts instantly At the shot sight Although the needle was tiny throbbing pain works it’s way Down my whole arm
By the time I start the car My head is pounding Within the first block My head is pounding so much It hurts behind my eyes
Anxiety of the unknown symptoms sets in I have alway been very careful Getting behind the wheel of a car On any medication “I can make it home” I chant as I drive “I’m close, almost there”
My body feels strange I’m home in 7 minutes I’m safe breath, sigh relax
My chest feels like someone’s sitting on it It’s hard to breathe My oxygen saturation level drops into the mid 80s
I make sure my husband knows Where the paperwork is As I explain to him all my symptoms Reactions to the flu shot
I feel euphoric nauseous consumesme, holding it in Vomiting is dangerous for me taking time releases medications I take something for the stomach Pulling on my pjs And climbing into bed Making dinner, not an option
I wake up 4 hours later My symptoms have leveled out The chest still tight breathing a bit less labored However,All other symptoms Have become an aching in all my joints I mange to eat leftovers my stomach feels better
My head still in a fog The next day is a struggle To get moving I realize how strong this strain of the flu is
I get the flu shot every year And have never experienced These reactions
I know everyone is different But take caution when getting the flu shot Go home immediately afterwards Preferably have someone with you
Wash your hands think about public places stay safe