(Asia may not know, this LIX city split baby boomer now ranks himself as an in denture charred sir vent reflecting on that painful instant when enamel collided with frozen water versus the recent removal of all teeth - courtesy of periodontal disease, and reckons how quaint that ****** fracas). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inxs of cold playing air froze natural pond, where over head Canadian geese did blare honking the latest goose sip loud and clear when from behind a bush
(color antler protected doe against fear of smashed pumpkin) did peek a deer alert to any danger by parking upright either one or both ear
lest predator doth lurk and induce fear while Harris Family and friends oblivious attired in wintry gear which protection from cold caused difficulty to hear
necessitating cupped gloved hands to punctuate every muffled word to be but barely heard akin to talking with mouth full of custard
above the quiet riotous mirth from this then gawky child nerd precariously maintaining balance on his skates and glide like a bird such attempts made this then boy appear quite absurd
ah, if only this mind of mine did two step quick think but woe misfortune awaited across the bumpy natural rink
blithely jettisoning myself hither and yon like a rolling stone going plink unaware while in camouflage pose disguised as one sneaky slippery fink that snuck up in a blink
that found me squarely face down shattering left front tooth immediately discovered via tongue as private sleuth finding me in extreme agitated state forsooth as if on fire from red hot chili peppers wrought from jagged booth
winning sympathy from parents who did level best to tend distraught son who ushered playback of events with less disastrous rerun praying for an angel
to grant reverse outcome brought none gut wrenching grief immediately terminated former fun damage irreversible and perfect white smile forever broke con!