In my bulging closet On the floor Lays a little girl Balled up Hugging her rainbow teddy bear So sad, she is scared
Her old princess dresses; The ones she no longer believes in, Brush her tear soaked hair Her hair playing back with the tulle Reminding her of the once bright screaming laughter Only making her more sad, more scared
She yearns for the time daddy lifted her towards the sky on his strong shoulders When mommy would drop anything and have tea parties with her big bright teddy bears The times big brother had sleepovers and watched scary movies late at night But now daddy doesn’t lift her anywhere, But now mommy tells her that work is what pays for everything she thinks she wants, But now big brother doesn't want to watch scary movies with her, and he watches them all alone
She still lays in her closet, A brand new bleak gray closet Now next to her rack of shoes; Wishing daddy never gave us reason to leave Wishing that mommy would blow off work just one more time Wishing big brother would sit down and watch old scary movies with her
The little girl could not wait to grow up, The big girl just wants to go back One got what she wanted, But it wasn’t what she was promised She got the high heels and the mascara, even the shiny flute to play And she also got all the lonely broken promises and pain from all of her experiences
And some things never do change, The girl still cries, still scared and still lonely, in her closet But now more sad, more alone than ever Wanting her pretty pink princess dresses Her ugly itchy hot pink boas And the fake sparkly plastic heels
She no longer wants to be a big girl She says she wants to be a doctor, but really she is just scared to that say she wants anything else She really wants big brother to come hug her during a scary movie, and sleepover, and guard her She really wants weekly tea parties with mommy and big bright teddy bears She really wants one last lift towards the sky from daddy, to finally grab that bunny cloud She really wants, more than mommy and daddy and big brother, is the old rainbow teddy bear that she sat and cried with so many years ago.