No more starry painted, too-cold-to-blink PA nights Trains from Brooklyn to Queens To whatever feels right
Cancelled that **** like they did With Bonnie & Clyde
but I think this may be what they call "homesick" missing the ratty & glamorous ends of the East Coast An excruciating divorce by a eulogy I’m so quick to move on with moving along, usually
now it's just these way-too-*******-bright 24/7 neon lights LA millennials addicted to LED hand-held screens Just pray **** stays legalized so we can stay oblivious and hypnotized to this crisis of a generation
Address them by the proper diagnosis it's Tech-Dependent, not "Tech-Savvy"
And hope Trump doesn’t get ******-ized and these women in third worlds that still don't have our "luxurious" humane rights
And hope that we all don’t lose our ******* minds. (at least not too soon )