But this state of mind is not self-chosen but ****** upon by life's myriad slings of suffering and indifference
the body and mind are first buffeted and later bruised and hurt marks of pain are imbedded like those branded on the backs of sheep and lambs to stay and persist to linger on and to violate until life's last breath--
to be mortal to be human to feel to hope is to know Weltschmerz sooner or later few could such escape seldom does its intensity subside or abate
the monotony the sameness the chagrin the weariness the emptiness the unchanging taste of repeated experience the brevity of joy the hard knock of constant sorrow on the weak and vulnerable door of the heart, already shrinking and sinking the too-quick ending of a love-song and the night--kiss vanishing at the first peep of the day's dawning
the unbearable thirst that's only satisfied momentarily but never quenched soon enough the spring dries up and the drought sets in to aggravate--the despair that returns to roost, hovering ready for descending on the self in quivering--
life has lost its meaning living is but struggling the moon has gone into hiding the stars are tired of glittering the tides are waning the flowers are drooping the trees are weeping and love is farewelling--
Weltschmerz the ultimate angst that festers and invades our total being.