If only I could find A way to communicate Before I should succumb To some inevitable fate They even now... sit resolute Upon my mind's perimeter fence Like vultures drawn to "mordum"
The pointless word now sentral to the view I will not yield... but use it as my shield to be the pointless compass and to help any who get lost Now if that's not cold... Then I must be Jack Frost!
So my last poem has arrived Upon the wings of eviscerated lips That rendered down from my own skin From which these soulless words were ripped
Understanding or not makes no head way Into the scornful Stormfront of all future chaos As we fight and fail this complex front That slams us with the Futures disregard - as it will discard Those volumes of words that do get tossed Away..... ,,,,,, and into..... .... A bitter past while reverting humans to gestures or a grunt And poetry become so abject and simple to execute or write Where any deal made without real knowledge Come Sans of a way to ever measure cost
For I admit I am a helpless victim A problem Fading into rust A sightless eye that sees all Without knowing who to trust
A quandary in search of a question A question that has no voice That has fallen into a old and deep and hidden well Unknown to all... So keep searching... Or Surrender... As those be our only choice