All it takes for some is a single blot of doubt to make me want to scream
I ignored it for as long as I could but I can't any longer
It feels as if the path I'm taking may seem right to me, it is a corrosive acid that destroys what I hold most dear and if it doesn't get the thing it wants it will ruin me
Why won't the rain clouds go away?
I hope I never have to publish this, I'm only writing this to vent, but if you see this poem then know I'll be fine. I just need time to accept all that's happened. May take a day, a week, month, or maybe months. However I'll bounce back. I usually do.
I wrote this January 7th, 2018.
The original reason for writing is temporary lost in the cosmos, but I had just enough space in my brain to make this relevant several months later