It happened one day, once long ago- But little did these children know, Just who it was to visit them- Twas not an enemy; but twas a friend.
The sky lit up with holy light, The children concerned at such a sight, Yet, "Fear not",tis what was said- And instead wonder replaced their dread.
And this message proved quite simple indeed, For Our Lady needed to plant a seed, To pray the rosary;twas the request, For all:this would prove to be a test.
But tis a warning Our Lady gave, To those saying the rosary-they'd be saved, But to those the rosary they didn't pray- A war would not be far away.
Today this message still applies, To all Catholics far and wide, One day this premonition we'll see Only through prayer and rosary will we be free!
I'm Catholic so I do believe this. Everyone should keep this in mind... As Catholics we must do our best or we'll never reach eternal rest.