In the corner of my room stands a desk, a humble desk beside the window. Upon the desk lies a tome, open and inviting, that leads me on a path I will continue. At the lonely hours of the night, I cross the threshold to strange and seminal worlds, illum'd by simple candle light.
In truth, the tome casts its own glow: it gives me its glimmering gems of wisdom, its waning Moonstones of inspiration and the precious treasures of knowledge that emerge from the shadow!
My soul seeks these pearls of grand vision; I seek to enrich my view of our whirling, protective sphere, to unearth the subtle shades and hidden layers of Her verdant frontier.
From my solitary desk, windows of crafted prose and elaborate description open to a world rich in wondrous experience! These pages are portals of the exploration the mind, the discovery of the heart, and a spirit of enduring resilience.
From the pristine pages of my beloved books rise mountaintop vistas on our multifaceted world, our diverse history and our creative power.
And the light flows to me and around my lonely room.