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Jan 2018
Was it a devastated scene of road rage
Or an undesired timber of babbles
Most probably a peculiar creature with vast appendages
Yeah May be ghostly cracks of unexpected tremors
Oh! Miraculously the glass sheet shattered itself
Naah Noo Mum it might be torrent action
Creature, miracle, road rage??
Gonna fool me
Shut up and Get outta right now
No need to please..too late to say sorry..
A 3-4 year kid suddenly hold my hand today ..when I was out for a walk ..His mother was shouting badly at him cause he was creeping and playing with hot sand and got his fresh clothes rough and shabby..Reminded me of an incident...
Surbhi Dadhich
Written by
Surbhi Dadhich  18/F/India
       ---, Kim, Mongi, Imran Islam, wordvango and 2 others
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