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Dec 2017
two men told me they love me:
One wanted something he was struggling to find
and had never matched hearts with mine before
The other gouged my heart little more than a year ago
and of whose most basic need I took care of
      without any hesitation
      in a home unfamiliar to both of us,
the first time in each other’s true company
since our dolorous unravelment.

“I love you.”

Neither reflected genuine inclinations, nor hint of veracity
Meant absolutely nothing by it
Both of which rendered me wearily calling out to the abysmal sky
only to be left in marmoreal stillness
      and evanesce into the shadow
      cast by the waning moon.
Brenna Gracely
Written by
Brenna Gracely  24/F
   ---, GaryFairy, Valsa George and Traveler
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