we each have our place to stand a place always present an aligned awareness and sacred connection joining dark to light..
discovery comes first then remembering.. forgetting is easy each place is hidden alignment broken..
sensing ones place intent brings focus a movement we notice shapes in motion.. surfaces rising then returning to rise again.. a torus in motion..
watch the jellyfsh its pulsing survival.. the web also instructs animations in splendid variety this sacred movement.. become the motion discover your own..
experience then a gentle rocking inhale centered and upward to brilliant light.. exhale light now filtered shadow and pain breathing unending..
a docking station now introduced.. awaits remembering intention for use.. check the circuits the cellular lights.. a new identity now fully alive ready connected and now to fly...
this poem is about a meditation technique using torus imagery...there are many animated torus examples on the web...also see polarityinplay.blogspot.com...