Looking out the window out Into the cold dark world. Seeing all the damage That people have been thrown. Walkig past one another Each and every day Not even looking at each other as they pass their ways. Sadness fills their own heads Makes them blind and mute Never even smile Blank looks or dismay So caught off guard They don't even bother to say ''hey'' How are you to day And even then if they do The other people say,''good or fine'' Most likely That Not even close to the actions and feelings that Are just below the surface Taunting their brains Suffocating their realities Creating havoc and chaos every turn Alone in a world with people all around Somehow its true but you Can't forget the your Own views. You don't have a clue What others think. Or do
Melting into the oblivous Abyss Having the courage to be different To strive to lend a hand To go out of your way to connect to others And she the gain. Know that all of us have struggles and all of us Feel pain But being kind and doing your best to fill their voids. Show people that are almost ready to give up that their is another way Share your voice. Share your hearts Change a view or a soul Make them all feel better Even if its just a smile and to say . I hope you have a nice day At least you tried to make. Someone Happy just one more day.