I was almost certain I was becoming insane The pool flooded throughout my mind and over went the edges The voices wouldn't stop Wouldn't halt saying things that made being awake so unbearable But I kept moving to the beat of the sky because l had no choice And I kept moving to the sound of its voice because the world will not be drowned by me
I'm rotating in a life made up of spider webs that have wrapped my neck in its arms I'm trying so hard to breathe But gasp are what I know And air flows through the small cracks that it can Trying to squeeze its way in the holes of freedom But holes were too small And I need air in my lungs to live
But there was no living No breathing But rocking Back and forth till I found a rhythm that matched the sky Till I could seem regular to the world that never really saw me
I was almost certain I was becoming insane
And the voices were what held me
so they drowned the rest of the world To watch me burn