is now departing Waterloo please stand clear of the doors.' Past Vauxhall , Queens town it rattles , Past ruins of mans grandure , Greek Theatres. Of Greek gods Amphitheatres of Rome , Grand stair cases where Titanics. Good walked down , arm in arm to tea with Captain Smith .
Where Napolian crowned himself , Empeorer , Placed a crown upon his head at Notra Dame is said . A Kaiser rode with noble steed through Jeruselems ancient walls , he built an arch so all could see how grand , how great he was to all. And we dream like kings , have manic dreams and build monuments like pyramids in the sky. Yet butterfly's can't hold them , Neither flys , Or mice or rats scurry by . They crawl where man can't find them , Yet are there when they fall , and sickness and death shall take them, and where insects crawl , Our bodies decay , where sheep and goats don't mix , Shifted like sands of time , To green fields or fire , by the great Shepheard King Jesus , Who died to save us all.