Sinking sand, cool my toes my ankles, my calves. tickle my knees, soft and gentle and caress my inside thighs Excite me with your wandering touch ****** me much, acquaint yourself with every angle and crook of my limp body devour me from leg to waist to fill my belly button and massage my stomach I have gorged myself enough and now it is your turn digest me as I digest my last meal, feel every vertebrae of my lonely spine know each mole on my torso, each nasty spot and scar and rid me of them as you rid them of me lick my chest and tease my neck leaving no mark let each grain of your being make me more supple learn me and let me lean into you, my clammy body relaxes upon you, fresh and ready to go I lower myself down, I lounge in your eternal sheets and enjoy your breath moulding my neck, the base of my skull, my unshaven chin falls down, mouth open your kiss becomes my kiss becomes one final lingering kiss, tongue tastes sand for the last time, remembers all the food all the sand it has enjoyed I will become sand, my energy ready to become something else's worms and snails and plants are hungry for me though I have no hunger for myself and as this thought dwindles so do I my nose is gone, my eyes close, my ears fill with silence and overflow with silence and darkness and silence become blissful everything only my beautiful blonde hair remains and suddenly that too is taken by the earth, cool and wet and hungry sinking sand cool me down