There are so many questions in life Questions that aren't that important like what should I wear? or what should I do with my hair? Questions that are important like should I take my life? or should I just continue to live my life like this? But all questions have answers Answers you like and answers you don't You are told that you have to go to all your appointments, to show that you are changing and getting better You lie about everything to prove to them It feels like you're a broken record because you have to start from the beginning You lose hope, until you find one new person and you don't hate this person You start to think that everything is turning around Then bad news struck again and you can't see this person anymore You're back at square one and you're worse than ever The question is now WHAT'S THE POINT? You believe there is no point A friend tells you to not give up You try hard You try to stay strong and to stay clean You've lasted longer then ever before but that thought of accomplishment is gone Now was it worth what you did?
I was in a bad spot on the 22.11.17 and I wrote this