I trust you With every fiber, Every thread, of my being. I trust you with my life, I trust you with my words, I trust you with my thoughts and all of my deliberate actions. I trust that you do not lie And only speak the truth. That you will let me explore your every visage and face, That I will meet all of your personalities. I trust that you will tell me everything, Every personal detail, Be it something good, bad, or disgusting. I trust that every aspect of my life will also be yours, And that I will never go a day without you. That I will always have you by my side, And that you will never choose to leave me. I trust that you will come to me with your problems, small and large, Because your issues are mine and mine are yours. Everything I own, you will own too. And everything you do, I will do with you. I hope that you trust me, in that I say, I will always be here for you, And I will never deceive you. I will always be by your side, And I will never leave you. I will never depart from you Until you elect to send me away, Then and only then, Will you and I be separated.